Summer Program Highlight: Meet Amina

Meet Amina
Summer program season continues at Minds Matter Seattle and we are excited to share Amina’s experience attending a summer immersion course with Girls Who Code. Read on to learn more about her how she explored her interest in computer science, built her first website, and learned that embracing failure can be a great way to grow.
Q: Why did you pick this summer program?
A: I chose Girls Who Code because I wanted to learn code in a supportive environment, and I thought I would get a lot out of this program. I knew Girls Who Code provided HTML, CSS, and JavaScript lessons, and I thought this would give me a good foundation in computer sciences. I was also hoping it would help me envision what my future could be like in the life of computer sciences.
Q: What was your favorite part of the program?
A: My favorite part of the summer program was when I created my first website and got to build it independently. I felt so proud when I got to see all the progress I was making and turn my vision into something tangible. I also got the opportunity to present to my partner organization executives of Citizen Bank and got great feedback on my work. Girls Who Code supported all their students, and I couldn’t have gone this far without their guidance. The support system and sisterhood bonding activities really made my day! I got to meet and connect with people from all over the world from Switzerland to Egypt.
Q: What did you learn about yourself during your summer program?
A: This program really taught me that asking for help shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. I also learned that when I get really nervous, I neglect my priorities and what helped me the most was confronting my anxieties head-on. It’s terrifying but I know that hiding from my tasks will only make it worse. The support I have both in Girls Who Code and my family really did help me, and I am glad that I have their support to continue moving forward.
Q: What advice would you give other Minds Matter students about summer programs?
A: The advice I would give to other Minds Matter students is to always seize opportunities. I have let some really great summer programs slip out of my hands because I got too nervous to fill in the application, but you only stop yourself from gaining great experiences. If I never applied for Girls Who Code, I know I would have regretted it. I wouldn’t have made all these great connections. Even if I don’t get an opportunity I apply for, I am able to move on because I know that these failures don’t equate to my worth. Instead, I reflect on my application process to learn from it. Failure can be scary but when you embrace it, you get to experience the best of everything!

Amina and her Girls Who Code Advisory Group
As part of the Minds Matter experience, students can participate in summer programs of their choosing. Students are encouraged to explore their interests and pursue their curiosities, spending time during their afternoon sessions researching programs with their mentors. Students have enjoyed participating in a wide range of unique programs ranging from Ancient Medicine at Brown University to Astro Bio-Engineering at Syracuse. With support from our donors, Minds Matter covers the cost of these programs for every student, including airfare0tuition, and lodging.